Internal Auditing

Independent and effective monitoring
Internal Auditing

Internal audit as part of the whole

Compliance, internal control system (ICS) and internal auditing are closely linked to responsible corporate governance. This is the right strategy, because after all it is necessary to understand the company as a whole. When a company wants to put this strategy into practice, it is necessary to breathe life into the individual building blocks. Internal auditing is an independent control instrument within the organisation and is an effective means of reviewing the efficiency and correctness of processes.

What you can expect from us

Why dhpg?

Because a properly functioning control system requires an objective, professional, outside perspective

We have been supporting owner-managed and family-run SMEs for more than 70 years. We have special expertise in information technology where it interfaces with auditing. Each and every audit team is supported by experienced IT consultants and data analysts. 

We assist you in setting up, implementing, analysing and improving your auditing system at and support you with an objective assessment.


Specialists in IT and auditing

Our trained specialists are at home in both IT and auditing. This enables us to perform an objective appraisal without being involved in the company's operational processes or management and control activities in risk and compliance management.


A good feeling thanks to transparency

No manager or executive is a jack of all trades. Our specialists create transparency for management. They shed light on areas where action is needed, thereby shielding you from unnecessary security and liability risks. 


Security: part of our DNA

IT security is part of our DNA as an auditing, legal and tax consultancy firm. Our experts draw on their experience in internal auditing to produce the greatest possible benefits for your company.

Your contacts for questions revolving around internal auditing and internal control system

Would you like to obtain more information or arrange a personal meeting? We would be glad to arrange an appointment with you - no strings attached - so that we can get to know each other. We look forward to your call or e-mail and to hearing from you.

To the contact persons

FAQ - Questions and information on internal auditing and the internal control system

What is Internal Audit?

Internal Auditing constitutes an independent and objective control function within a company. It is in charge of auditing and advisory tasks. Internal Auditing reviews internal business processes to validate their legality, expediency and efficiency. The aim and objective is to assess business processes and identify potential areas where improvements in effectiveness and efficiency are possible.

What tasks does Internal Auditing perform?

Internal Auditing acts as an independent authority within a company. It monitors whether all processes are being performed properly and the company's internal rules are being adhered to. Monitoring enables preventative measures to be taken to identify risks and strengthen the internal control system. Internal Auditing furthermore boosts transparency and can support management in decision-making.

Why is internal auditing important?

The objective of internal auditing is to examine business processes from an objective perspective and identify opportunities for optimisation. Internal Auditing is obligated by law to take into account the interests of all stakeholders. Transparent internal auditing can strengthen stakeholders' trust and confidence in the company.

In the internal auditing process, risks are identified and assessed in order to then take steps to strengthen the internal control system. Above and beyond this, Internal Auditing examines the quality of output and processes, as well as compliance with all legal regulations and internal guidelines. Including all areas in its scope of evaluation allows business processes to be made more efficient and a company's resources deployed more effectively.

What is the German Institute for Internal Auditing (Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision e. V. (DIIR))?

The German Institute for Internal Auditing (DIIR) is an organisation committed to the development and improvement of internal auditing in Germany. The DIIR furnishes auditing standards, quality assessments and auditing manuals. We will be glad to support you in planning and implementing DIIR guidelines when performing an internal audit. Additional information about the institute and the work of the DIIR can be found at the website: Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision (DIIR)

Can dhpg support you in setting up an internal audit function?

Definitely. dhpg will be glad to support you in establishing or strengthening your internal auditing. We can define the basic criteria and procedures together with you to guide implementation of an internal audit. We are also happy to support you in the implementation of internal auditing, including monitoring to ensure the continuous improvement of business processes.

We also offer you the option of having your internal auditing system audited by us in accordance with the IDW auditing standard IDW PS 983.

What is an internal control system?

An internal control system (ICS) is a key element of corporate management and serves to ensure the security, correctness and efficiency of all processes and tasks. The ICS encompasses rules, procedures and measures intended to make business processes efficient and reliable while minimising risks, protecting company assets, ensuring the reliability of reporting and guaranteeing compliance with laws and regulations. 

An ICS is made up of several core components that are interlinked to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls. The five essential components of an ICS are:

  • Control environment: This serves as the basis of the ICS and includes the corporate culture, ethical values, organisational structure and management philosophy. It provides the framework for all the other components.
  • Risk assessment: This process identifies and evaluates risks that could jeopardise achievement of the company's objectives. It helps to recognise potential threats early on and take appropriate measures.
  • Control activities: These include specific measures and procedures introduced to minimise the risks that have been identified. Examples include authorisation procedures, security measures and demarcation of tasks.
  • Information and communication: Effective information and communication systems are crucial to ensuring that relevant information is passed on to the right people in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Monitoring: This component subsumes the ongoing review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the ICS. Regular audits and assessments help to reveal weaknesses and bring about improvements.

Internal auditing as a control instrument with which to review the effectiveness of processes

Internal auditing is an independent, objective control function within a company. Its purpose is to analyse internal business processes to verify their legality, expediency and efficiency. This allows opportunities for improvement to be identified in order to boost the effectiveness of these processes. The German Institute for Internal Auditing (DIIR) offers standards for internal auditing. Would you like to set up, implement or improve your internal audit, or do you still lack information? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


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