IT certifications

Quality seal of a company
IT certifications

Quality seals support your reputation

Certifications are a company's quality seal. Boost the quality of your performance and your internal control system and better your market position. In many cases, certification can help you to select an IT system, IT provider or IT service provider, as it facilitates an assessment based on the criteria defined in audit standards and can improve a scoring. And, incidentally, IT certification expedites the annual audit, enabling a quick and smooth process because the auditors can ensure the proper processing of data on the basis of existing certifications. Talk to the IT auditors at dhpg. We will show you how this can be done. Because we not only check which IT certifications would benefit your company - we also carry them out.

What you can expect from us

Our IT auditors are certified in accordance with the requirements laid down by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) - in particular in IDW PS 860, IDW PS 850, IDW PS 880 and PS 951. Moreover, they also comply with other standards, such as ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3402. Our services at a glance:

Why dhpg?

Expertise and individual consulting

We offer advice tailored to your needs to identify the most suitable certification for you. Together with you, we carry out audit measures in accordance with the respective audit standard and seek to achieve the greatest possible benefits for you.

Thanks to our long years of experience in the field of IT certifications, we can perform targeted audits. In the audit, we can map your business processes and produce process documentation.


Specialists in IT and auditing

Our trained specialists are at home in IT as well as in auditing and legal advice. This puts us in a position to choose the IT certification that best suits your needs, to carry out targeted audits and to provide you with information that offers you real added benefits.     


A good feeling thanks to transparency

No manager or executive is a jack of all trades. Our specialists make things transparent for management. They shed light on where action is needed, thus shielding you from unnecessary security and liability risks.     


Security: part of our DNA

IT security is part of our DNA as an auditing, legal and tax consultancy firm. Our experts draw on their experience with audit standards for IT certifications to produce the greatest possible benefits for your company.    

Your contacts for any questions you may have when it comes to IT certifications and consulting

Would you like to obtain more information or arrange a personal meeting? We would be glad to arrange an appointment with you - no strings attached - so that we can get to know each other. We look forward to your call or e-mail and to hearing from you.

To the contact persons

FAQ - Questions and information on the subject of IT certifications

What is the purpose of IT certifications?

Due to more complex and constantly changing organisational structures and an ever-increasing degree of digitalisation, every company faces the challenge of ensuring the use of proper IT systems and IT-supported business processes as well as secure IT operations, including an effective internal control system. IT certification in accordance with auditing standards such as IDW PS 850, IDW PS 860, IDW PS 880, IDW PS 951 or international standards such as ISAE 3000 or ISAE 3402 can support a company in demonstrating compliance with the necessary criteria. An IT certification performed by auditors ensures the security and compliance of IT through targeted audit measures specified in standards.

Can IT certification expedite the auditing of annual financial statements?

IT certification can reduce the time and effort you and your customers expend auditing the internal control system in the annual audit.

If you are a service provider for a data centre or IT services for a large number of companies, for instance, you can have the adequacy and effectiveness of your internal control system certified by the specialists at dhpg in accordance with IDW PS 951 or ISAE 3402. The advantage this offers is that you can pass the certificate on to your customers, so your customers do not need to perform individual audits.

Which IT certification is best suited for you?

At a joint kick-off meeting, we would be pleased to identify the most suitable IT certification with you and carry this out in close collaboration with you. dhpg bases its IT certifications on the specifications laid down by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW). We perform certifications inter alia in accordance with IDW PS 850, IDW PS 860, IDW PS 880 and IDW PS 951, as well as other standards such as ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3402. 

Depending on the respective audit standard, we examine the requirements applying to your company and inspect the efficiency of your internal control system.

Does IT certification also encompass the documentation of business processes?

To assess the internal control system, we offer you the option of having your business processes graphically mapped by our process modelling specialists. You can then use this for your own purposes, profiting from the overview it gives you of business processes, including the internal control system. This also translates into synergies in annual audits to be carried out at the company, as the documented business processes provide the auditor with a ready overview of the internal control system in place.

IT certifications are a quality seal for your IT systems and IT-supported business processes as well as secure IT operations, including the internal control system you employ

IT certifications serve to ensure the quality of your IT systems and IT-supported business processes as well as secure IT operations, including the internal control system in place, enabling simplified verification in the context of annual audits, company audits or toward customers. IT certification places a premium on the targeted treatment of potential risks, thereby assuring the effectiveness of the internal control system. Would you like to have your system certified or do you need more information? Don't hesitate to get in touch.


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