Dr. Tobias Quill


Valuation & Transaction Support


Dr Tobias Quill advises national and international clients in the areas of Valuation and Transaction Support. His thematic focus is on business valuations, the preparation and auditing of planning accounts and financial due diligence. In addition, he deals with the establishment and administration of data rooms as well as process support and negotiation support.

In addition to his work for dhpg, Dr. Tobias Quill is an expert author and publishes on the topics of financial due diligence and company valuation. As part of a teaching assignment at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, he is committed to the practice-oriented transfer of knowledge on issues of balance sheet analysis and M&A.  

After training as an industrial clerk and subsequently studying business administration at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster, he started as a doctoral student at the Institute of Auditing at Saarland University. Dr Tobias Quill received his doctorate there on the topic of "Interest-driven company valuation". After his academic training, he worked for a large auditing firm in the area of transaction services. In 2018, he moved to dhpg. He has been a partner since 2023. 

For further information or a detailed CV, please use the contact form on this website or send an e-mail to communications@dhpg.de. We will be pleased to answer any additional question you may have.

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